Stones & Bones 2017
A stone is a unit of weight equal to 14 pounds averdupois (or international lbs). By turn, this makes a stone equivalent to 6.35029kg. Stones to Kilograms formula. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things! O you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome, Knew you not Pompey? Many a time and oft Have you climb'd up to walls and battlements, To towers and windows, yea, to chimney-tops, Your infants in your arms, and there have sat The livelong day, with patient expectation.
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Stones & Bones 2017
Stones & Bones 2017 Portugal
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Word | Definition |
xanthareel | yellow eel formerly used in medicinal foods |
xanthic | yellow; yellowish |
xanthippe | ill-tempered woman |
xanthocarpous | having yellow fruit |
xanthochroia | yellowness of the skin |
xanthochroic | having yellow skin |
xanthocomic | yellow-haired |
xanthocyanopsy | form of colour-blindness in which only blue and yellow can be distinguished |
xanthoderm | yellow-skinned person |
xanthodont | one with yellow teeth |
xanthoma | disease characterized by yellow patches on the skin |
xanthometer | instrument for measuring colour of sea or lake water |
xanthophyll | substance causing yellow colour of autumn leaves |
xanthopsia | a visual condition where things appear yellow |
xanthospermous | having yellow seeds |
xanthous | yellow or red-haired |
xebec | small three-masted pirate ship |
xeme | fork-tailed gull |
xenagogue | guide; someone who conducts strangers |
xenial | of or concerning hospitality towards guests |
xenium | gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift |
xenobiotic | indicating a substance or item foreign to the body |
xenocracy | government by a body of foreigners |
xenodiagnosis | diagnosis of disease by allowing laboratory-bred diseases to affect material |
xenodocheionology | love of hotels |
xenodochial | hospitable; kindly to strangers |
xenodochium | building for the reception of strangers |
xenogamy | cross-fertilization |
xenogeneic | of a disease, derived from an individual of a different species |
xenogenesis | generation of offspring entirely unlike the parent |
xenogenous | due to an outside cause |
xenoglossia | person's knowledge of a language never studied |
xenolalia | person's knowledge of a language never studied |
xenolith | fragment of extraneous rock embedded in magma or another rock |
xenomancy | divination using strangers |
xenomania | inordinate attachment to foreign things |
xenomenia | menstruation from abnormal orifices |
xenomorphic | having a form not its own |
xenophilia | love of foreigners |
xenophobia | fear of foreigners |
xenops | a small tropical rainforest bird |
xenurine | species of armadillo |
xeransis | drying up |
xerarch | growing in dry places |
xerasia | abnormal dryness of the hair |
xeric | dry; lacking in moisture |
xerocopy | photocopy |
xerodermia | abnormal dryness of the skin |
xerography | photocopying |
xerophagy | eating of dry food; fast of dry food in the week preceding Easter |
xerophily | adaptation to very dry conditions |
xerophobous | unable to survive drought |
xerophthalmia | dryness and soreness of the eyes |
xerophytic | able to withstand drought |
xeroradiography | process for taking permanent pictures of X-ray images |
xerosis | abnormal dryness of body parts |
xerostomia | excessive dryness of the mouth |
xerothermic | dry and hot |
xerotic | dry |
xerotripsis | dry friction |
xesturgy | process of polishing |
xilinous | of, like or pertaining to cotton |
xiphias | swordfish |
xiphoid | sword-shaped |
xiphopagus | conjoined twins joined by a band of flesh on the torso |
xiphophyllous | having sword-shaped leaves |
xiphosuran | horseshoe crab |
xoanon | primitive wooden statue overlaid with ivory and gold |
xography | photographic process for producing three-dimensional images |
xu | former monetary unit of Vietnam |
xylan | gelatinous compound found in wood |
xylary | of, like or pertaining to xylem |
xylem | woody portion of a plant |
xylocarp | hard and woody fruit |
xylogenous | growing on wood |
xyloglyphy | wood-carving |
xylography | art of engraving on wood |
xyloid | woody; ligneous |
xylology | study of wood |
xylomancy | divination by examining wood found in one's path |
xylometer | instrument measuring specific gravity of wood |
xylophagous | wood-eating |
xylophilous | fond of wood; living in or on wood |
xylophory | wood-carrying |
xylopolist | one who sells wood |
xylopyrography | engraving designs on wood with hot poker |
xylorimba | combination of xylophone and marimba |
xylotherapy | use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease |
xylotomous | wood-cutting; wood-boring |
xylotypographic | printed from wooden blocks |
xystarch | ancient Greek officer in charge of gymnastic exercises |
xyster | surgeon's instrument for scraping bones |
xyston | short pike used by Greek heavy cavalry |
xystus | covered walkway for exercises |

Stones & Bones 2017 Wine
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